Commenting on the prestigious award, Mr Anand Mahindra, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, M&M said, 'I am extremely pleased that the Farm Equipment Sector has been chosen for such a notable distinction. The Deming Award is a validation of our efforts towards establishing world-class quality control measures in every sphere of our business. This is something we have been consistently working towards since 1997 and is in accordance with our ultimate aim of achieving the Number One position in the global tractor market. My congratulations to each and every member of the Farm Equipment Sector on winning this award and I hope this inspires them to achieve the Japan Quality Medal.'
Attaining the prize, involves stringent processes, involving audits by independent and respected quality professionals from Japan. The Deming Steering Committee, a cross functional council, was created specifically for the purpose of guiding the Sector’s efforts towards winning the prize. In its quest for the award, the Sector identified a host of parameters which were systematically and continuously monitored. Categorized under 19 heads, they covered every aspect of operations. The Deming Performance Unit at FES evaluated the progress made on these parameters on a monthly basis and reported the same to the Steering Committee.
'The Farm Equipment Sector is immensely pleased to learn that it is the recipient of the Deming Application Prize for 2003, a goal we have been consistently and steadfastly
striving towards for five years now. TQM has evolved over the ages at our company from mere quality inspections to quality circles to the use of Juran’s process of Quality Improvement to the most recent ISO 14001 certification from RWTUV. The icing on our cake, however, is the Deming Application Prize as it marks the first time ever that a tractor manufacturer has achieved this distinction even in a global forum. The entire journey for the Deming has positively touched all our stakeholders from customers and dealers to suppliers and employees and most importantly, has put in place systems and processes for our Farm Equipment Sector the efficiency and effectiveness of which would benefit us long term.' said Mr K.J. Davasia, President, Farm Equipment Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
The Deming Prize was established in 1951 by JUSE Union of Japanese Scientists & Engineers), in appreciation of the contribution of Dr W.E. Deming (1900-1993) to the development of quality control in Japan. One of the foremost experts of quality control in the USA, he imparted the basics of quality control, particularly statistical qualitycontrol, to engineers and managers in Japanese industries. His teachings made a great impression on the Japanese people and provided great impetus to the process of quality control in Japan. Possibly the most coveted quality award in the world today, it was earlier limited only to Japanese companies but was made international in 1984.
With plants in Mumbai and Nagpur, the farm equipment sector of Mahindra and Mahindra manufactures tractors, which are state-of-the art and technologically one of the most advanced. A leader in the Indian market for 20 consecutive years, the division also boasts of being the fourth largest in the world in terms of units sold. Its products are exported to the United States, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Zimbabwe and several European countries. The Mahindra tractor enjoys the trust of lakhs of Indian farmers and is perceived as a symbol of durability and ruggedness.
For further information please contact:
Mr. Charudatta Deshpande, G.M. – Corp. Communications, M&M –
Tel: (022) 2497 5176 or e-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Percy Dubash, Adfactors PR, Tel: (022) 56349848 or e-mail: [email protected]